Photography is an amazing career, hobby, past-time, call it what you will. It's that second in time where you capture a moment that will never be the same again. The passing of the CPR 2816 Empress on Monday was a prime example. 

One of my favorite categories for photography is "wildlife". It's the unknown that one experiences prior to finding something to photograph. I have a saying "If you don't go, you can't show". The element of surprise is so captivating, and the outcome is unknown when this happens too. It may last a short few seconds if you find a bear or it could last 2 hours if you come across a couple moose by a slough.

This black bear was photographed in Riding Mountain National Park. It was quite content to just keep eating berries while we sat back a safe distance and enjoyed nature at it's best. Again, a moment in time that will never be the same.

More photos can be seen at McGillivray Moments Photos For You on Facebook.