The southeast is seeing some springtime moisture as weather systems are making themselves known over the southeast.

That included thunderstorms yesterday, with even more moisture expected to come to the area this week.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Natalie Hasell details the conditions that have kept this week so rainy.

"The same things that occur throughout the rest of the year play a role in the spring, so if we look back to the last several days, we had a system roll-through. Let's go back to the weekend, we had a system roll-through on Saturday across or sit across a good chunk of Saskatchewan during the day on Saturday, more to the West of you folks and then eventually that system did move over. It took a while to get to you though. As that line did not move very quickly at all, but it did eventually make it to you."

That system ended up coming through Monday, creating a narrow window for rain that came through during the evening.

Tuesday was then quiet but was soon followed up by a more intense system on Wednesday thanks to the changing seasonal conditions.

"We did see that across a lot of southern Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, and North Dakota yesterday. So you know the same things that we look at, the same structures that we look at, so we had an unstable atmosphere developing. We had enough daytime heating to kind of make things a little bit more convective. We had the below and the frontal structure going through that could have been our trigger for these systems to happen. So we're just in a slightly different temperature regime now with these warmer air masses."

The current weather looks to bring a bit of peace back to the southeast.

"Right now, you are no longer under the influence of that low and through line or frontal structure. The latest map has you more or less under the influence of a ridge, your flow is from the north to the northwest, so there could be a little bit of something going on there, but the main frontal structure is north of you and is expected to stay there for most of the day today and we'll be under the influence of that ridge for a few more days and you'll see your temperatures warm up as well as we get to the weekend as this Ridge is more of a southern feature than a northern feature."

The weekend could take a turn as the weekend will bring a bit more energy to the southeast.

"There might be a risk of thunderstorms by the time we get to Saturday in the southeastern corner of the province. I'm not really expecting anything for tomorrow in Saskatchewan, but yeah, Saturday could be an interesting day.