It's a story that started almost a year ago with a grass fire west of Estevan. I was the one covering the story, and since I had only lived here for about a year and a half at the time, I didn't know the name of the body of water that the fire happened next to. So, I went to the easiest and closest resource I could find, Google Maps.

That's when I noticed it.

A little red mark with one of the most interesting names I have ever seen. Samsquanch Cove/Shrine of Motivational Merve. I finished the story as quick as I could, and I started looking for everything I could. Looking at photos, scouring the website (which no longer exists), reading reviews, everything I could do.

The day at work, I called the number on the website and never got an answer. I posted the map on Facebook, and still no answer. Then the memory came up on my timeline this year again, and that hunger to know was reborn. 

And thus, I went on a quest.