Rain is headed to the southeast with a system bearing down that's promising a couple of days of moisture.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Dan Fulton talks about the incoming storm.

"So there's a low-pressure system. It's actually in the United States, the Northern Plain states there and it is sending waves and waves of showers, basically north into southern Saskatchewan and southern Alberta. So we're expecting kind of a wet couple of days, which probably isn't even the worst thing in the world."

The rain is expected to add up as the full storm hits over the course of today and tomorrow.

"Probably kind of late morning for you guys there and then those showers will continue kind of on and off right through the remainder of the day tonight and right through Tuesday as well, probably looking like about somewhere around 30mm of precipitation by the time we're all wound up there by Wednesday."

Lightning is also expected with this system though Fulton thinks it won't be too bad.

"There's some elevated storms coming in, there was a thunderstorm in the southwest of the province last night, but we're not expecting them to be severe."

After the storm breaks a bit of warmth will come into the area starting on Thursday.

"Kind of getting more back to seasonal values there, which is around 18 for this time of year and we're not looking like any precipitation for the remainder of the week through the weekend once this thing clears up."