Volunteers turned out in full force in Estevan yesterday for the United Way Day of Caring, dedicating their time and energy to support those in need throughout the community.

A total of 163 volunteers completed 48 projects, including window washing, moving heavy items, and yard work. Sunshine Baskets were also delivered to those who could benefit from a friendly visit.

"At Creighton Lodge, without the help of the Day of Caring, because they do a lot of our planting, they do some weeding. They go around, they help with some small projects such as painting and window washing," said co-chair Shelly Veroba.

Volunteers also made their way to Trinity Towers, assisting residents with projects such as oven cleaning and moving the fridge to clean underneath. Individuals in the community submitted projects, and the volunteers were assigned to each task. The Estevan Public Youth Centre, Souris Valley Theatre, and the ECI memorial also benefited from a helping hand.

"We had a wide variety of talents join us this year, so we had something for everybody. It was a really great day," said Veroba.

Veroba emphasized that the true impact of the Day of Caring extends beyond a single day, encouraging everyone to embrace the spirit of community and kindness every day of the year.