Three students were charged with substance-related offences last week at the Estevan Comprehensive School. But the Estevan Police Service are impressed, overall, with what they're seeing at the high school since a series of violent incidents led to an increased presence.

Sgt. Tyler McMillen said they were called to the school last Wednesday after two youths were caught using marijuana on school property.

That resulted in $1,400 fines for the students, under the Cannabis Control Act for using cannabis on school property.

Police also charged a 15-year-old boy for vaping on a school bus - an offense that carried a $280 fine for vaping in a vehicle where children under the age of 16 were present.

"In both cases, though, police were able to speak to the students and their parents this past weekend," said McMillen. "We're impressed of how they use took responsibility for their actions and and assurance that they will work with their parents and the school to correct their behavior."

McMillen said police offered addictions services to the people involved.

He added there's been a lot of positivity during patrols at the school.

"We're able to have the chance to stop in at several different classrooms to see what students are working on. They're wonderful hosts. A lot of students showed us what projects they're working on - welding, mechanics, woodworking, social arts. I mean, those are just to name a few. It was great to see what the students are able to access, and the programming. We appreciate Mr. Johnson, his staff, and the students for allowing us to be part of that."

McMillen said there have not been any other incidents of violence since the police presence at the school was heightened.