A grain elevator, a classic prairie landmark, took on new meaning for one B.C. artist who used it as a tribute to a beloved family member from Saskatchewan.

“Through the years he told me many, many wonderful stories about his life in Redvers and so we held a memorial for him, and all sorts of people came from Redvers,” said Jamie Frazer, the creator of the replica.

The piece was used as part of the memorial service. "They thought it would go on the guest book table, but no, it’s four feet, five feet high.”

Following the memorial service, Frazer wasn’t sure what to do with the replica and repurposed it as a dollhouse for her great-grandchildren. "I just cut open the back of the grain elevator, added the floors and some windows with really good clear plastic, and wallpaper and flooring."

Frazer explained that she had never lived in Saskatchewan, however, her mother grew up in Good Water.