An idea that began in 2020 to combine the public and catholic schools is still a possibility in Estevan, but there is a process that needs to be completed first. 

South East Cornerstone Public School Division Director of Education Keith Keating said that enrollment numbers at Estevan Comprehensive School have remained steady over the years but have not reached the numbers that were expected when the structure was built.  

“When you think back to when they were built in the 60s, many of those comprehensive schools, 50s, and 60s, they would have been built at a time to house about twice as many students as there are in that particular school,” explained Keating. “Now, that's part of the reason to move over some of those Grades 7 and 8 to be able to utilize the space to get some government funding to be able to do a major renovation on it.”  

An application is submitted annually to secure provincial funding. If the funding was approved, then a two-step plan could be put in place to transition to the new schooling structure. 

“Part one would be to move some of the students from the public schools at that Grade 7-8 level into ECS,” explained Keating. “And then part two would be the building of a joint youth school between Holy Family and SE Cornerstone Public School Division.”  

The second phase of the plan can only move forward if funding for remodeling is secured and renovations to house these new students would be possible. 

You can read the initial proposal here.