More and more people in Canada are choosing to have their loved ones cremated instead of traditional burials.

According to database company Statista, the cremation rate in Canada has skyrocketed from 47 per cent in the year 2000 to over 73 per cent in 2020.

Dustin Hall, the owner of Hall Funeral Services, says he's seen a similar increase in Estevan. He estimates about 75 per cent of families that he works with opt to have their loved ones cremated.

He said cost is an obvious reason, but there are other factors at play as well.

"A lot of people have told me that they are a lot more comfortable having a service with an urn present as opposed with a casket present," Hall said.

He also said it's a matter of convenience for some people.

"People just like the simplicity of it. Somebody passes away in the winter time or family can't travel, especially now during gives them the flexibility to delay the service and have it at a time that's convenient," he said.