As Saskatchewan's wilderness beckons with the arrival of beautiful weather and camping season, it's crucial to remain vigilant and bear aware.

Black bears are found in most parts of the province but are most prevalent in the forests of northern Saskatchewan. This includes Aspen Parkland, Touchwood Hills, the Qu’Appelle Valley, and the South Saskatchewan River Valley.

These bears are highly intelligent and are driven by their search for food and the need to put on fat. They will leave an area if they are unable to find food. By keeping areas such as backyards and camping sites free of attractants such as pet food, trash, bird feeders, and dirty barbecues, you can reduce the chance of human-bear conflict.

To reduce the creation of habituated and food-conditioned bears, it is against the law to feed bears. However, hunters and trappers are exempt from this law when operating under a license.

The following tips can help bear-proof your yard or campsite:

  • Store garbage in a secure building or buy a bear-resistant container. Only put the bin out on the morning of collection. Wash all recycling items and regularly clean garbage or recycling bins.
  • Ensure pet food is stored where it is not accessible to wildlife. Only use bird feeders in the winter while bears hibernate.
  • Do not add fish, meat, fat, oils, unrinsed eggshells, or any cooked food to backyard compost.
  • Properly clean and store barbecue grills after each use.
  • Do not cook, eat, or store food in your tent or tent trailer. Store food in airtight containers in the trunk of your vehicle.
  • Place all garbage in the containers provided. Do not burn or bury scraps.
  • Clean fish only at designated fish-cleaning stations.
  • Keep your pet on a leash while hiking.

If a bear or any other wildlife poses an immediate risk to people's safety, call 911. To report an encounter with aggressive wildlife, call the Turn in Poachers and Polluters (TIPP) line at 1-800-667-7561. Concerns regarding bears or other nuisance wildlife can be reported to the Ministry of Environment by calling 1-800-567-4224 or emailing