The shortest month of the year brought Estevan some warm and wet conditions.

For Environment Canada, 2024 had one of the warmest Februarys among over a century's worth of records.

Warning Preparedness Meteorologist Natalie Hasell shared some of the monthly numbers.

"The monthly mean temperature for this year, February 2024, was -6 degrees, so that's looking at daytime and nighttime temperatures, and then averaging that over the month. So that gives us what we call the monthly mean and the normal monthly mean for Estevan is -10.7 degrees."

"So your departure or difference from normal is 4.7 degrees, so that's pretty significant in terms of ranking. This was the 9th warmest February over 101 years of data."

For precipitation, the number was much closer to the average.

"February got 16 millilitres of liquid equivalent, so this is taking the snow that falls into the gauge and melting it. Your normal is 14.1 millilitres, you're 114 per cent of normal. So out of 91 years of data, this is the 33rd wettest."

While historically the number isn't significant, Hasell says that considering the 2024 season it's notable.

"Not particularly remarkable in that sense, except perhaps for the fact that you got precipitation. A lot of the season up to now has been quite dry, so in February we're not talking about very large amounts of precipitation anyway, but nice to be talking about near normal precipitation amounts for a change."