You'll notice a new feature the next time you walk through the doors of the Estevan Legion.

The legion unveiled a new bar on Thursday afternoon, as part of a $30,000 grant it received from the province.

"I think it'll have a great impact," Estevan Legion President Frosty Forrest said. "Prior to this, if you came to an event here and you wanted to get a drink, you had to walk into our next hall. This will certainly improve that, and it improves the look of the place."

The legion also refurbished its front entrance as part of the same project.

Forrest added that they'll be able to use the bar as a sales tool for renting out the hall for various events.

He said the project came to fruition quickly as it only took about a month to build after the legion's application was accepted. 

Forrest said the profits from the bar will really help out the legion's operation in the community.

"We have expenses here that are paid for by our events and so's going to make that easier," Forrest said. "Because this is going to make some profits, there's no doubt about that. So in that sense it'll help free up money too so that we can help out in the community. The legion's a big part of this community."

The exact money total that the legion received from the provincial government was $29,916.