Estevan’s roads have suffered significantly due to the harsh winter, with the continuous freeze-thaw cycle leading to large frost boils on major streets. This prompted the city council to amend the 2024 budget to accommodate the necessary repairs, which were discussed in their latest meeting.

“We had some unexpected costs due to frost boils with the unusual winter and as was approved tonight at $310,000 for just two areas on Taisey and Peterson,” said City Manager Jeff Ward. He noted that the usual amount budgeted for frost boils is $40,000.

The contract for the work on Taisey Crescent and Peterson Drive has been awarded to Genco Asphalt for $310,630.

The proposed work includes:

  • Excavating existing asphalt and underlying soil
  • Preparing the subgrade
  • Supplying and installing sub-base (granular material)
  • Supplying and installing base (granular material)
  • Supplying and installing asphalt primer, tack coat, and asphalt

Additionally, during the completion of a valve replacement, soil contamination was identified, leading to an unexpected cost for remediation. The contamination, which requires reporting to the government and must be remediated at an approved site, added an extra $175,000 to the expenses.

To cover these additional costs, two capital projects were recommended for removal from the 2024 budget: the $350,000 Smith Street Electrical project and the new Hillside changing room, which will now be postponed.

“Smith Street Electrical, as mentioned, still requires some engineering that can be pushed off until next year, but it's still a very important project,” said Ward. “We’re continuing our work with public health on our hillside area to ensure we get those facility upgrades as needed, but we decided the building can be pushed off until next year, working in conjunction with public health on the pool in that area.”

The council approved the recommendation to amend the 2024 budget by removing the above-mentioned items, paving the way for the necessary road repairs