Betty McGillivray launched her new book "Fun is Where You Make It: Amusing Tales from a Teacher's Life" at the Estevan Public Library on Saturday.  

McGillivray said that the support from the community was overwhelming. She had hoped that at least a few people would show up but was pleasantly surprised at the packed house.   

“We had quite a good turnout, I’m hearing maybe around 50 to 60 people showed up to help me celebrate the launch of my book.”  

This included people she knew when she taught in Bienfait, Westview School, members of her writer's group, other teachers from the community, and more.  

“I’ve been working on this book for over 20 years, and I’ve wanted to be an author for so long and it is just you know, it’s almost unreal.” 

"Life is Where You Make It" is inspired by stories from different aspects of McGillivray's life, including being a teacher, a mom, and a wife. She added that some of the craziest stories take place at home, as well as inside and outside the classroom.  

“If you’ve lived in a small town, if you’ve raised children, if you’ve bought a car, if you’ve gotten older and your son might call you a boomer like my son does sometimes, there’s a chapter about that too,” said McGillivray.  

She added that there are also snippets of funny things students and her children said to her when they were younger peppered in between the chapters.  

When it came to writing the book, she said at first it seemed overwhelming but when she broke it down into smaller pieces, she realized it was an attainable goal.

She said that the turning point for her was when she met a children's author at an early childhood conference and realized that she was just an ordinary person. She said it clicked that if she wanted to write a book, she could.  

“So that’s my advice to everyone, go for it, you're never too old to dream. It took me a while, but I did it. I did reach my dream. I am a published author.”  

There is another launch set for March 23 at the Penny University Bookstore in Regina. She is also headed to Saskatoon to a senior living complex, to spread the message that fun is wherever you make it.  

McGillivray said she hopes to get to more local communities to share her book and has been contacted by a few libraries already.  

The book is available through Amazon, at McGillivray's Moments for You at the mall, and through McGillivray herself. 

“This is just a dream come true, and I’m loving every minute of it.”