Moisture is by far the most important part of a crop when farmers are looking to get harvest going, and any rainfall can have an effect on yields.

For the most part, grains stop growing around the 30% moisture mark, and farmers look to get that number lower in order for the harvest to run smoothly.

While an earlier rain would have messed with those numbers severely, there's still a bit of trepidation with the new rain that's hanging over the southeast.

Agrologist Edgar Hammermeister explains just what impact moisture during harvest can have on an operation.

"When the crops, as they become mature and have actually gone through a dry-down, if they get moistened up again the seed will start to respire again. What impact that has is that bushel weight goes down, the weight of the grain is reduced and through no fault of the farmer."

Hammermeiseter describes an experiment he did with a farmer, which saw a 66-pound wheat field go to 62 pounds following a rain.

This moisture is coming in at a perfect time where it won't have an effect on cereals that have already come off the fields, and later crops like canola haven't started being harvested yet.

It can have some benefits, as some will be looking to plant winter wheat and a timely rain could help greatly.

"I've been watching it because I'm planting the seeds of winter cereals here. For my own farm, the cereal harvest is complete and I'm not worried about any kind of quality issues. I've been watching the forecasts hoping for a little bit of rain to moisten up the soil," said Hammermeister, "But the current forecast is not suggesting that we'll get much."

Hammermeister says that he sees the incoming rain as sporadic, and won't likely have too many benefits besides preventing some fires.

"All it'll do is reduce risk the fire risk a bit for those who are working in the cereals, and probably won't benefit much of anything. We've been quite dry for quite long here, and a rain of one or two-tenths aren't really going to change things one way or another."