Pink Shirt Day is known as an anti-bullying campaign and during that day Pleasantdale School emphasizes friendship and kindness.  

“We don’t focus so much on talking a lot about bullying. We focus more on talking a lot about kindness and what that looks like,” said Pleasantdale School Principal, Michelle Smart. “We all participate, whether we're wearing a pink shirt or not, we participate in spirit.”  

Pink Shirt Day is a school-wide event, with activities planned throughout the day. The school separated into smaller groups of different grades, which they call their family groups. 

“Our leadership team plans a number of different stations, and we go around from station to station,” said Smart. “Doing different pink shirt or kind activities together. Having a little fun, spending some time together, that's what we do for pink shirt day and of course, take our pink shirt picture.” 

Some of the activities this year included an obstacle course, a pink lemonade station, and a station where participants wrote nice notes for each other.

“Our leadership team has planned them, and they will run all the stations and so they always do a bang-up job of everything,” said Smart. It's always nice to get together serving multi-grade groups because we don't really know each other that well, if we don't make the effort to do that." 

While Pink Shirt Day is an important day, Smart said she thinks kindness is important every day.  
“Some people call me the kindness queen because that’s always what I’m promoting in our children,” said Smart. “I think if there is more kindness in the world then the world would just be a better place.”