On Thursday teachers across the province will be withdrawing supervision during the noon hour. This comes as part of ongoing job action with the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation.  

South East Cornerstone Public School Division Director of Education Keith Keating said the division has sent a letter home to parents outlining the way that lunch will be handled on that day. 

“We encourage parents to send their children for a normal day of school, but if they are available to pick up their child for lunch, or to have the child go home for lunch, we really do appreciate the support,” said Keating. 

He said this option may not be possible for all families, so there will be supervision in the school for those whose kids remain during lunch hour. 

“We're going to have some of the people there, whether they be parents or SEC members or community members, paraprofessionals that are already employed in the organization,” said Keating. “Many of those people already do supervision, some don't, but they'll have criminal record checks and be available to the schools that day.” 

These adults regularly supervise students throughout the year.  

“This will be a little bit different in that it is only those people. So, there will be no teachers available,” said Keating.