Spring seeding is underway across Saskatchewan, with highways often interrupted by slow-moving machinery which could pose a risk for drivers.

Tractors hauling seeding equipment, sprayers, and more are moving from field to field as farmers are looking to wrap up their seeding as soon as possible.

SGI Spokesperson Tyler McMurchy says that drivers should keep their eyes out for those machines over the next while.

"With the advent of spring and the spring seeding, we do expect to see more farm equipment on the road and the drivers want to be aware that they may encounter farm equipment as they travel our highways and rural roads, and the goal, of course, is always to avoid collisions. Fortunately, collisions with farm equipment are somewhat rare, but the collisions that do occur have a greater likelihood of resulting in somebody being injured or killed."

McMurchy shares some of the common tips drivers can employ to help make a trip involving farm equipment safer.

"For drivers, we want to make sure that they just understand that whatever the piece of equipment, farm machinery, in general, is slower moving than they would be traveling on the highway, so you'll be coming up on it quickly if you're driving at highway speeds, it may be deceptively long in addition to being wide, so understanding that if you are going to be passing it on on those single lane highways, wait until it is safe to do so and taking it easy, slow down a little bit and have a little bit of patience.

"Give the operator of that farm equipment some room, understanding that some farm equipment doesn't have the ability to signal its intention to turn. So make sure you as a driver are looking ahead on the road and that farm equipment might be looking to turn left soon. Only pass if you are not going to be in that situation where they're going to be turning left just as you pull into that oncoming lane to pass."

Their stats show 94 collisions over the last five-year period and 39 injuries resulted as well as eight fatalities.

More than just being aware of what cars are on the highway, McMurchy says farmers will need to also be aware of the rules.

"It's obviously important for farmers to know what the rules are for the particular piece of equipment they are moving and the roads they'll be traveling. There are different rules depending on the width and the speeds that those are capable of traveling."

Farm equipment is also often only on a highway for a short period of time, so McMurchy says it is an option to slow down and enjoy the ride.