A lack of snow doesn't mean the Estevan Snowmobile Club isn't busy, as they're rapidly preparing for the upcoming season.

That includes some changes in leadership that happened during one of their monthly meetings following elections.

New President Darcy Yergens says plenty has changed since the last time snowmobiles were running around the southeast.

"We've had two regular meetings, monthly meetings and we've had a great turnout. With that, we had the new elections as well as new directors for the club. So we've got a full slate of 11 directors and plus the executive. We've got a whole bunch of plans.

"We've been working on the groomer for our trails. We've got a whole bunch of new steaks and signs for marking trails, and our biggest thing is we purchased a new brand-new snowmobile to pull what's called a snow buncher."

That snow buncher addresses a past problem for the club, letting them create snow piles that they can stick signs and stakes into without those blowing over in the wind.

Between that and the work that they've done to get shelters operational in the southeast, all they have to do now is wait for some snow.

"We rarely get our trails going in December. We might get a little skiff of snow and this early stuff that we had last month we were excited, but then of course it's hard to compete with beautiful weather," said Yergens. "So once we get six inches is generally what we would like to see, four to six inches. The first one we kind of just tack it down anyways to make a base so four to six inches will allow us to get started and start using our buncher and putting some stakes up." 

Yergens is hoping for another good year like last year that provides many weeks of snowmobiling.

He says that before the snow comes people are welcome to attend those club meetings. They 

"We'll be having another monthly meeting in December, the first Tuesday of the month is when we do it, so that'll be next week and anybody that wants to come out, just go to our Facebook page is where we put post it and we look forward to getting everything going."

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