One lawmaker is agreeing with a judge who ruled earlier this week that the Emergencies Act was an unreasonable move by the federal government during the freedom convoy protests in 2022.

Robert Kitchen, the MP for Souris-Moose Mountain, says that the decision points out the prime minister didn't have a justification for the order.

The federal government in response has appealed the decision, with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland saying "We respect very much Canada's independent judiciary. However, we do not agree with this decision, and respectfully, we will be appealing it."

Kitchen says he's not in agreeance with the government's decision.

"Obviously I'm disappointed with that and we had a federal court that clearly states that basically, the prime minister failed Canadians. It's probably the assumption would be that they would appeal it. It's just how they are and that's unfortunate.

"Throughout this process and after it happened, this government basically tried to defend its actions and it continued, did so by primarily saying that the government was forced to invoke the act because the police told them to do so yet. That's something that the RCMP and the auto police have both denied ever saying to them."

According to Kitchen, the government should own up to what he calls a violation of rights.

"I think what's happened is, it's been clearly stated that in many ways, Canadian's rights have been violated. The whole decision to use the act directly violated their essential rights of freedom of thought and belief and opinion and expression were violated by the actions that were taken by this Prime Minister."