Most seeding operations in the southeast have wrapped up at the perfect time, with plenty of rain to give those freshly planted crops a boost.

Agrologist Edgar Hammermeister estimates that crops are well over 90 percent complete, with most operations finishing seeding and starting spraying operations.

He says that farmers are mostly just getting the last of their canola plants into the ground.

"The last number of years farmers have shifted their seeding order and have tended to put canola as the the last crop in, just because it tends to do better with warm soils and with quicker emergence, the crop can can tolerate flea beetle damage a little bit better." 

Hammermeister says that by and large farmers are making great progress this year.

"We had moisture come through that caused a little bit of delay earlier on, but we had a good early start and for the southeast, we're in really good shape that way. Compared to some of the other parts of the prairies that once the rain started for them, it has continued on and they're not complaining, but they're getting a little bit anxious about trying to get seeding wrapped up."

The continuing moisture will instead be a boon for the southeast as rains right after seeding can help get establishment going, even if severe weather rears its head.

"The forecast for the coming rain here is going to be welcome, the crop is in. It's nice to get a little bit of moisture to help crop establishment right off the bat. There's some suggestion that there could be some hail, just the way the systems are evolving for the weekend," said Hammermeister, "But at this stage, even if hail does arrive, the crop is quite small and we'll be able to recover quite well if there happens to be some of that challenging weather." 

The extra moisture will mean that any summer dry spells will be a bit more tolerable, but occasional rains will still be needed.

"I'm hoping that it's it's nothing like what we had last year where the tap turned off," said Hammermeister, "We'll have to wait and see. But I guess for some of the outlooks that I can access, it should be a better growing season than last year for for moisture."

Hammermeister reminds people that even though the seeding season is mostly over, people should still watch for equipment on highways and farmers will be moving sprayers over the summer.