Community support was the theme at Southeast TechHub (SETH) as they celebrated their second anniversary.

Gordon More, executive director of SETH, said the accomplishments over the last two years would not have been possible without the community's support.

More highlighted continuous learning opportunities offered to the public and students' enthusiasm for innovation as key achievements.

Some other highlights included:

  • Hosting Southeast Saskatchewan's first Innovative Pitch Competition, where the winner received $22,500 in seed money.
  • Directly assisting 10 local startups.
  • Starting robot-building, computer science, and drone racing clubs in partnership with the local education system.
  • Hosting two Small Modular Reactor Supply Chain events.
  • Hosted several presentations from notable members of the tech community. 

Inspired by Estevan native and former MIT chancellor Dr. Eric Grimson, More decided to return to school and is now taking online classes through MIT. Other notable speakers included Dr. Aaron Genest of Siemens Canada and Ranjith Narayanaswamy of the Petroleum Technology Research Centre.

In the past two years, SETH has become a space for like-minded individuals to collaborate, regardless of age or occupation.

“I think one of the biggest challenges our community is facing is how do we stop the kids from leaving,” said More.

More considered this when he began his journey with SETH. “I knew when I started here, I needed to help the kids who obviously want to create innovation and be part of the innovation community,” he said.

He noted that a recent event attracted a group of people in their 70s and 80s to watch drone racing.

"If your ultimate goal is to create new businesses, you have to have community support, and that doesn’t just mean showing up here today,” said More. “You need to have the community skill set and the people willing to take part in innovations, whether they’re funding it or mentoring it or what have you.”

More emphasized that his journey has not only enriched him personally but also deepened the community's commitment to innovation and growth.