A thunderstorm is on the horizon for the southeast in what could be the final rainfall before seeding ends.

While some farmers in the southeast have wrapped up operations, others are ongoing and could see a stop in operations if that becomes severe.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Natalie Hasell says it's tough to predict just how much rainfall the southeast will receive over this system.

"Our models are not totally in agreement yet exactly how much precipitation we're going to get, but as you know, if we're talking about periods of rain showers, they're probably going to be embedded thunderstorms in there, so it wouldn't be very surprising to have some pretty significant precipitation amounts, but more likely on the smaller scale or the local scale as it will depend on where the thunderstorms kind of line up."

"It looks like it should come in waves for the southeastern corner of the province, so there could be a period of time where there's actually very little activity, and then the next line will go through. So yeah, it's going to be an interesting few days this week." 

After the thunderstorm temperatures are also set to drop, though overnights will be high enough above freezing that frost won't be an issue.

Afterward warmth and sunshine will stick around, with Hasell saying that wind patterns also play a role.

"If we also look at the wind pattern, it doesn't stay out of the north for too long in between systems, so you'll actually have some westerly component to the winds, which is typically a warming pattern for most of the prairies and for you folks. So, I think the two together should lead to these warm days and I guess those would be above normal temperatures as well, so warmer than normal days."

Hasell reminds people to take all of the proper precautions when it comes to thunderstorms over the next couple of days.