There are many things that could be considered Christmas Keepsakes. The item itself isn't necessarily important. Instead, what it means to the person and the memories associated with it are often all that matter.

There was a good assortment of Keepsakes that were submitted and voted on over the last two weeks. But unfortunately, we could only have three winners. Here they are in order of votes starting with a golden musical ornament.

BeckyThis little golden ball used to hang on my grandparents tree, both my mom and dad's side had one, and each year, I remember listening for the chirping noise from this tree. It makes me think of Christmases past, and happy memories growing up. Each year I open my ornament boxes, I smile when I see the ornament, and my eyes tear when I put new batteries in and hear that familiar chirp from my childhood. These ornaments were so special and meaningful to my family, that my little sister had written a text in our family group today about the Golden, round ornaments and listening for the bird in the tree.

Next we have a very special bear keepsake submitted by Robin.

RobinThis bear is special to me because I have had this Kerby bear for almost 40 years. Given to me from my parents. This is one of the only things that I have kept close over the years. When my daughter came along I searched high and low and finally found one brand new 40 years old also. Now we have the same one.

Our final keepsake winner is Cathy. The angel keepsake was made by her daughter who was in grade 4 at the time.

CathyThis lovely Christmas angel was made in 1989 when my daughter was in grade 4. Every year she comes out of storage, we rearrange her wire scourer hair and put her on display all Christmas season.

Thank you to Canadian Tire, A&A Jewellery, and Rodeo Dawg for supplying $50 gift cards for the 3 winners!

Check out the video for the reactions of the winners!