Torquay held its first council meeting of 2024 on Wednesday night, which also marked the 100th anniversary of the council in the small Saskatchewan village.  

Torquay started as a hamlet but eventually grew to a village of 300 residents.  

The first meeting of the village of Torquay was held on January 9, 1924.  

Wednesday's meeting was the first of the new year, meaning a lot of housekeeping was discussed. 

“We’re discussing committees and reports, and where people want to put their time in for the village,” said Mayor Mike Strachan.  

The village has been going through a few changes, with an emphasis on the water treatment plant. 

"That has been our focus for a couple of years," said Councillor Mark Mason.

They have received government grants to put toward the water treatment plant and have installed new distribution pumps to provide better service to the people of Torquay.