The Alberta clipper that made it's way across the prairies won't be the only weather event that'll be coming through the prairies this week.

That clipper deposited snow across the more northern regions of the prairies and left a cold snap behind it which has caused temperatures to plunge.

That's expected to stick around, explains Environment Canada Meteorologist Terri Lang.

"The Alberta clipper did do its thing. Very classic clipper, ended up over Minnesota, but a big push of Arctic air in behind this clipper, so also very typical of what the clipper does. So the winds are still up a little bit in that southeast corner, so wind chills are relatively high."

After a couple of days of cold air, the system will then deposit some very warm temperatures.

"Later on in the week Thursday, looking like some double digits possible just because we have a weather system that's moving forward to the north and we know when the weather systems move to the north that it draws in the southerly and southwesterly winds, which also draws in the really mild air."

The lack of snow on the ground in the southeast is also a factor that increases the warmth.

Lang says that those sudden flashes of warmth can be common this time of year, pointing to the warmth that came in before the Alberta clipper and cold snap.

She says that oftentimes late-winter weather can result in up to 50-degree swings in temperature.

After that Thursday, more cold air will come in potentially followed by a big storm in the form of a Colorado low.

"Then we see what looks like a Colorado low coming through perhaps next week. Still, we have no confidence yet on where it's going to land, but we know that these Colorado lows have a capability of dumping quite a bit of snow and giving quite a bit of strong winds. So we're going to have to keep an eye on that one to see where it's going to end up."

Lang asks that people stay cautious as there's more harsh weather to come before spring.

"Just keep in mind that we're coming into a little bit more of an active weather pattern, meaning we're seeing a lot of low-pressure systems move through and they can give some pretty strong winds and some pretty inclement weather. So don't put away the parka as of yet, don't put away the shovels. We still got some weather to get through before we get into spring."