The latest employment numbers from Statistics Canada were released Friday morning.  

The Regina-Moose Mountain economic region, which includes Regina as well as Weyburn and Estevan, saw the unemployment rate staying unchanged for the month, despite 3600 more jobs. This was due in part to more people joining the labour force. While the unemployment rate held steady at 6.8 percent, the participation rate, that is the portion of the population over the age of 15 who are either employed or actively looking for work, went up from 68.4 percent to 69.5 percent.  

Year over year, the numbers for the region were also very promising, with 8700 more people working in May 2024 compared to May 2023.  

The increase in people working seemed to account for two-thirds of all the job gains across the province, with 5400 more people working in Saskatchewan in May compared to April. The provincewide increase, though, saw the unemployment rate fall from 5.7 percent to 5.6. This change gives Saskatchewan the third lowest unemployment rate in the nation, behind Manitoba and Quebec, and tied with British Columbia.  

Nationally, the unemployment rate was up slightly, which had been predicted by economists. It went from 6.1 to 6.2 percent in May, with increases in part-time work.