Pride Week events are coming to Estevan, thanks to another local group who is looking to hold some of those in another southeast community.

Shyla Breault, a board member of the Weyburn PRIDE Committee, talked with Discover Weyburn about some of the events coming to the southeast over the next week.

That included some here in Estevan, with a pair making their way to the community over a couple of days.

"We also have a member on our board from Estevan, so we have a couple of Estevan events happening as well."

First is the pin-making activity happening at the Estevan Public Youth Centre, in coordination with the Estevan Art Gallery & Museum starting at 7 p.m.

The Estevan Art Gallery & Museum will also be holding its own Pride event that week, hosting a printmaking event that Thursday starting at 6 p.m.

Beault says that the initiative is hoping to spread out pride events around the southeast to areas that might not have their own committees.

"They don't have anything official right now so we're kind of doing a Weyburn and area pride and involving whoever wants to be involved and stretching out as far as we can."