Seriously why wasn't this me? All this guy did was post a video on Youtube asking for 1 million dollars. AND HE GETS IT!

RRRRAAARRRGG! It's not fair! It's so stupid it's genius! It makes me want to punch his stupid face and at the same time shake his stupid hand because his plan worked. Also that I can't imitate his plan, because now everyone knows about it. There can only be one, I suppose.


I hereby ask any millionaires, or really anyone with cash to give me 1000$. I will use the money to buy a very large pie, which I will then use as a swimming pool. Please, let my dream of swimming in a pie come true.

(Of course, this being the Internet its very possible that this is all a publicity stunt. We will know the truth in the following weeks, but until then I tip my hat to you, stupidly genius Youtube person)