Saskatchewan's Preliminary Runoff Report shows that the province is a bit behind when it comes to moisture this year.

The report is done by Saskatchewan's Water Security Agency in order to gauge reservoir levels, moisture levels, and more ahead of spring.

Shawn Jaques, the president and CEO of the WSA, says drier conditions have formed based on some of the weather that's come down over the winter.

"It's probably not a surprise to most across Saskatchewan, below average snow conditions in combination with generally dry weather this past fall is resulting in below normal to well below normal runoff across the province at this point." 

Though moisture levels are generally down reservoirs across the province seem to be in an okay position.

"Despite the dry conditions heading in to freeze up, the major water reservoirs in southern Saskatchewan are mostly average or above normal levels for this time of year," said Jaques, "There is an exception for some of our reservoirs in the southwest part of the province and you know our largest reservoir that Saskatchewan owns is Lake Diefenbaker and we are at near normal levels for that lake."

The rest of winter will determine the exact outcomes that Saskatchewan will face in the spring and summer.

"It can change quickly as we know we can get a significant snowfall in Saskatchewan or get us a lot of snow in the mountains in Alberta, which feeds into our river systems, which can change the levels of those reservoirs," said Jaques, "So it's something we'll just have to monitor and see how the remainder of winter goes." 

Jaques says he feels that 2024 will run smoothly so long as the main reservoir stays stocked.

"60 per cent of Saskatchewan's population get the water from Lake Diefenbaker, so we'll have no issues there. We'll be able to have an irrigation season out of Diefenbaker, and like I said, most of our other reservoirs in the province are in a pretty good spot right now. But if the remainder of the winter stayed extremely dry, there may be a few that we have to maybe change our operating in the summer."

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