2018 was a year of overcoming challenges for St. Joseph's Hospital as they began the year with a shortage of physicians. All the staff managed to help keep the crisis from getting too out of hand and they managed to gain six new physicians to fulfill the needs of the community.

"The extraordinary care that our staff provide patients to the tune of 300 surgeries, 900 endoscopies, over 200 babies were born at St. Joseph's Hospital, 18 600 emergency visits, we admitted 1642 patients and provided 2078 dialysis treatments, as well as 692 chemo treatments," stated Greg Hoffart the Executive Director of St. Joseph's Hospital.

"I will also mention that certainly, a highlight of the year was the renewed and re-established chemotherapy department at St. Joseph's Hospital. Thanks to the Wempe family, 'The Mel, Margaret and Clinton Grimes Chemotherapy Unit' opened at St. Joseph's Hospital. It was a tremendous project supported by the Hospital Foundation and really brought into shape really quickly by a couple of managers who spearheaded the project and a great team effort to bring that one through from the time we received the donation, a month later we were treating chemotherapy patients in a much farther superior environment in the comfort of here when they receive such a difficult treatment."

St. Joseph's Hospital is currently sitting at a great place, number wise when it comes to patients and staff. There are challenges in the hospital as there always will but the 300 staff members continue to provide the care that is required by the community, year after year.