Work continues at the site of the old Civic Auditorium. 

"It will be focused on the subsurface material," explained Estevan's Parks and Facilities Manager, Rod March. "They'll take the weekend off again and starting Monday, they'll excavate the material that was under the slab, bring it down to native clay soil, bring it up to the final elevation grade and then cap it."

All the sand and soil that was under the concrete slab will be removed and brought up to the point where the water can drain away properly.

"And then we cap that with 3/4 minus gravel."

"Our focus is on cleaning it up and then our first priority would be to get something put on the south side of the curling rink where our exposed ammonia towers are, just to make that a little nicer looking."

"We are ahead of schedule which is why they are taking the weekend off again. Everything is working perfectly from our perspective and from the contractor's perspective so no issues yet."

He added that since the original building came down, they haven't had any issues with people getting too close to the work site. 

"We did need a little bit of crowd control, but that's understandable considering the magnitude of this project. Right now, everyone's staying away and we hope they respect the security fenceline that is put up. It's there for their safety."

He added that the working relationship between the contractor and the City has been a good one. 

"It's a very coordinated event. There were no safety issues, nothing happened out of the ordinary so I'm very pleased with it."

"I'm pleased that everything that can be recycled is recycled."