With the start of a new school year, there are bound to be some changes. The South East Cornerstone Public School Division is constantly  changing and adapting to provide the best possible learning experience for their students.

 "Across the whole province grade ten classes are going to be implementing a 'student first' focus," says Lynn Little, Director of Education with  the South East Cornerstone Public School Division. "This class, in grade ten, will be the graduating class of 2020, and in Premier Wall's vision  2020, that's what we've all been aiming for and striving for is the 2020 graduation rates. We're working together to enhance the student  experience to support an increased graduation rate."

 The school division will also see changes to faculty with 33 new teachers. These teachers have met with existing staff and are excited to join the  school system.

 Another new program is "Coding Quest" for students grade four to six. It's twenty-first-century learning provided by The Learning Partnership.

 While there are many changes within the school division, there are also focuses and programs that have been successful in the past. The  school division will be using some of these past programs to continue success with students.

 "We'll be continuing our work with 'Truth and Reconciliation' to ensure education around history and it's implications, and just the reconciliation overall is brought forward into our schools and our communities, we'll be focusing on that," says Little. "We're continuing to ensure that children are coming to school ready to learn and are able to read by the end of grade three."

They will also be continuing the Junior Achievement Program for grade nine students which is a section course on financial literacy. Another program, Jump Math Pilot, helps discover the best processes for the students to learn mathematics.

All these programs and focuses helps both the teachers and students, to allow a well-functioning classroom for better success in all grade levels.