Obesity has been an issue in our Energy City recently, and their could be a number of reasons why. 

Barb Wright with the Saskatchewan Health Authority shares, "You know the biggest thing with obesity is its a complex circumstance, its not just family meals or eating together. Our food environment has changed drastically as well, so there isn't one specific thing we can point to those reasons."

A lot of the problem with our community is that it has shift work that drives people to eat out more often than have a home-cooked meal, "When we have food in our environment we have to look at the kind and quality of food that we have, so be it within our work site, our schools, within our recreation facilities, within our community, what type of foods are available to us. Really impacts what foods we are able to choose."

"So if you are working in an environment where there is a canteen, cafeteria, or even vending machines, the quality of food and the types of food that is available to you is going to impact your eating habits." Wright goes on to share how you can be proactive within your environment, "One of the new things that the Food Guide with Health Canada is recommending is looking at nutrition policies surrounding the type of foods that would be available to us, where we work, play, and live."