The recent discovery of carfentanil near Estevan has the public and local law enforcement concerned.  

"Obviously this is always a concern," shared Police Chief, Paul Ladouceur. "I can't say I'm overly surprised. We're seeing this drug spread quite quickly across the country."

"We look at trends that start in some of the larger centres certainly make their way to some of the smaller centres eventually so I can't so I'm overly shocked."

He added that the police were expecting the drug to be more prevalent in that area and are taking steps to curb it's hold.

"One of the things we have been doing is preparing our officers for this type of drug and the fact that it could make it's way here. Our officers have been issued with naloxone kits and trained how to use those kits both on themselves or if they have to administer it to someone suffering a potential overdose."

He added that his biggest message to parents is to talk with your children about the dangers of this drug. 

"Take that time to educate your children."

"Such a small amount can be absorbed so easily through the skin or if ingested, it certainly can be lethal. The danger is we're seeing this drug cut into other drugs. So someone might think they're getting one drug, and that they know what they're taking, we're starting to see this mixed with other potential lethal drugs like the case was here."

"In 25 years of policing, I can say I've never seen street drugs causing so much death across this country." 

Chief Ladouceur concluded by giving a warning to those in the community circulating this deadly substance. 

"The message to people distributing these types of drugs is you're not just selling a drug, you're potentially selling death. At the end of the day, it's not just the case where someone may be charged with trafficking, they could potentially be charged with something much more serious criminal offenses."

READ MORE: RCMP Warning About Extremely Lethal Drug In Possible Circulation