“It is one of the best jobs that anyone could ever do.”

The province is calling for applications to be the 2019 Saskatchewanderer.

Kevin Dunn has enjoyed the job over the past 10 months. He has traveled over 31,000 kilometers in the province and attended more than 100 events in more than 100 locations. He said there are a few things to keep in mind when applying.

“It just depends on what you can really bring across the table while having a lot of fun as well,” Dunn explained. Those are the things that you kind of want to look at if you are applying for the job for this next year.”

The role of the Saskatchewanderer is to show what it’s like to live, work and play in Saskatchewan. The job consists of choosing location and events to explore, setting up and conducting interviews, shooting and editing video, writing stories and blogs, handling social media, and much more.

“You have nothing to lose, and it’s one of the best opportunities you could take,” Dunn encouraged those who are interested in the position. “Apply, and see where it goes from there.”

The application process is done through the Saskatchewanderer website. The deadline to apply is November 9th.