Estevan Fire and Rescue and asking producers and others in the area not to conduct any controlled burns due to the dry conditions. 

"We constantly monitor the fire danger index released by the province," explained Fire Chief, Dale Feser,

Despite it now being the third day of the being in the extreme level on the fire danger index, they are not issuing fire bans just yet. 

"We monitor all the weather conditions too and there looks like there is a system moving in where we're going to be receiving precipitation tomorrow or Thursday and possibly Friday. That will definitely keep it down to a manageable level."

"However, on a day like today, where you see very high temperatures and high winds and if we have a low relative humidity, we have what is classified as a crossover condition. It will challenge any fire suppression crews to try to extinguish a fire safely without it getting out of control."

"We're asking all of the areas, the RM of Estevan, The RM of Benson, the RM of Cambria to please refrain from any controlled burning activities as it will easily get away on somebody and it will require that much more resources to bring that fire under control."

Feser adds that they have not had to respond to many wildland fires recently simply because the majority of people do respect the weather and dry conditions and know when not to attempt a controlled burn. 

The Ministry of Environment has issued a fire ban on Crown land south of the Churchill River to the U.S. border effective immediately, due to dry conditions.