The announcement came yesterday following a board meeting that the Estevan Warm Welcome Shelter will not be opening their doors this winter. 

"We're not going to open the shelter this year," explained Rory Flemming, Chairperson of the Board, "However, if circumstance warrant it, we'll reevaluate as we go."

"There's a 27% vacancy rate in the city. And last February when we closed, that was evident then and the shelter only had one guest."

He adds that anyone finding themselves in need of shelter, can go to the Salvation Army for assistance. 

The shelter first opened in 2012 to provide shelter to those without a place to go in the cold, winter months. It was a great need especially when Estevan's vacancy rates were so high that many working people could not find a place to live. 

READ MORE: February 14th Is Warm Welcome Shelter's Last Night

READ MORE: Estevan Warm Welcome Shelter Opens Doors for Another Season