2016 is only a couple of days from passing into the history books. The year was full of wild weather patterns that took Southeast Saskatchewan residents by surprise.

However, another special weather statement was released by Environment Canada, and according to Regional Meteorologist John-Paul Cragg, 2017 may begin with another round of strong winds starting tomorrow. 

"There's an Alberta clipper that looks like it will develop and move to the north of Southeast Saskatchewan. In behind this clipper, we are looking at winds around 40 gusting to 60 kilometers per hour."

He adds that we will also see the temperatures drop going into the new year.

"After this clipper moves through, northerly winds will drag cold Arctic air back down again into the province, and we're looking at temperatures getting close to -25 [Celsius] for the new year. Those temperatures could continue for the first week of January and potentially into the second week of January as well. 

He reveals that, although cold, the first week of January will be dry, and no storms are expected for that time. As well, when the temperatures are in that cold range, it only takes a breeze to send the wind chill plummeting.

"We're expecting blowing snow to create reduced visibility on the road and difficult driving conditions." he added.

Cragg concludes with a warning to motorists.

"Check the forecast and have a look at the Highway Hotline to make sure that you know that the driving conditions are okay for where you are going. If you don't have to travel tomorrow, then staying home is probably the best idea."