South East Military Museum Founder Craig Bird is submitting a proposal to hang memorial/remembrance banners on light standards around the city in honour of past and present military and police members from the area. Bird is also looking for funding from the City for the project, which would initially see 10 banners on poles between the Legion and courthouse on 4th Street.

Council will be voting on whether to award projects for road work at Veterans Avenue and for dust control around the City.

Dust control is done twice annually - once in the early summer, and once in the fall. It involves concentrated and refined magnesium chloride, or sea water, being applied.

Council will look at an application for the development of a cannabis retail store at 126 4th Street. It's the former location of Encompass Fitness. It would be on the east side of the building. Recently the west side was approved for a liquor store with a drive through.

A zoning bylaw was amended two weeks ago to allow a pot shop to be located in that area.

City council, administration, and five adjoining landowners have agreed in principle to begin the process of formally closing the laneway behind Westview Place subdivision.

And a monthly water quality report will be submitted by Water and Wastewater Services Manager Shane Bucsis.