With the Estevan Chamber of Commerce celebrating 120 years in the community, the chamber has two exciting events scheduled for May 30.

Jackie Wall, executive director of the Estevan Chamber of Commerce, explained that the first event will be the Southeast Success Summit, held at Southeast College from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Groups from around the southeast will provide a full day of information sessions. Community Futures Sunrise will discuss their Go Digital Sask. Program.

“So that’s your business online. How Community Futures Sunrise is helping organizations understand and navigate the online world,” said Wall.

The South East Economic Partnership (SSEP) will discuss community change-makers and the creation of a tourism destination in southeast Saskatchewan. The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) will discuss ways companies can protect their profits amid rising costs. Estevan’s own Southeast TechHub will focus on innovation and job creation.

There will also be panel discussions, including one moderated by MNP. The Success in the Southeast Panel will include Minister of Highways Lori Carr, the Regional Economic Development Coordinator for Community Futures Sunrise, Christina Birch, and Weyburn Chamber of Commerce Manager, Monica Osborne, among others.

“We’re hoping to have five people on that panel and end the day on a high note, discussing the success already happening in the southeast and how we can collaborate to bring more success to our region,” Wall added.

She noted that the event is flexible, allowing attendees to stay for as long or short a time as works for them.

“Take a look at which event you'd like to attend or which session. The program will be available later this week, and you can decide whether to pop in for lunch, stay for the afternoon, or come for the morning."

Following the Summit, a banquet will be held at the Beefeater Plaza from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event will feature Premier Scott Moe and Steve McClellan, former CEO of the Saskatchewan Chamber.

“The Southeast Success Summit for the entire day is only $35 for members. Just head to our website to get the details and register there, or call our office for assistance. The banquet requires separate registration, but members can register for both events at a reduced price. We encourage non-members to attend as well. You can register as a non-member on our website,” Wall explained.

You can register for the event here.