The Energy City has faced numerous sticky situations over the past year.
Everything from blizzards to floods, train derailments and downed power-lines have struck Estevan, and they have kept emergency services on their toes to react and take care of things appropriately.
"I think our response has been stellar. We can actually say that we've come by with a lot of experience here," noted Fire Chief Dale Feser.
"Obviously it's very important that, after any event we go through, we do a proper debriefing. We try to see if there were any pitfalls so we can make our responses better. That's part of the natural process that our emergency services go through after any emergency call."
Every occasion is a chance to learn something new to apply to later experiences later on, and events over the past year certainly are no exception. Estevan's Fire Chief pointed out one area that has seen a lot improvement as a result.
"It's been primarily in making sure that we have better lines of communication open between the different agencies that we work with, such as SaskPower and SaskEnergy, and ensuring that we can prioritize what we need to get the citizens back up and running."
May 7th to 13th was declared Emergency Preparedness Week, and as a part of that, Estevan's fire crews will be making the rounds of the city's schools. They will be educating the students about being ready for any emergency that arises.
"We will be targeting grades 3 and 4 to help bring home some information for mum and dad to assist in building a preparedness kit," Feser shared.
In addition, a special guest in the form of Sparky the Fire Dog will be making an appearance to help teach the kids about staying safe.