The Federation of Canadian Municipalities invited representatives from across the country last week, with those from Estevan looking to share some local problems and potential solutions.

Roy Ludwig, Estevan's Mayor, says the annual event is one that connects a lot of different locales.

"Usually as a Council, we go to FCM every year. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities meets once a year at various locations across Canada and FCM represents every city, town, and village right across Canada. They do a lot of lobbying for their respective cities, towns, and villages and this particular meeting went very well and was well received by myself and the Council members that attended." 

Some of the learning opportunities included study tours, daily discussions, seminars, and educational sessions.

One of those discussions was around retaining talent in smaller areas.

"It's always a challenge to hire new people. There's just simply, post-pandemic, not that many people around and it's a challenge to replace some of our people that are retiring or for whatever reasons going elsewhere. So that's one of the challenges that we have these days is HR replacing people. So you know that's always a challenge."

Another topic, which has been discussed a lot in Saskatchewan recently, was power production and what the future of that would look like.

"One of our challenges is power production and what does that look like moving forward, you know, with the federal guidelines and how are other cities and towns reacting to that?"

"Ontario is already 60% nuclear, so they're way ahead of the game as far as Canada goes. New Brunswick has some nuclear, but out West, we don't. It's early days, so we're just starting to make movements toward some of those areas."