Monique Willims was one of the organizers for this years 2nd Annual Glow Paddle and here is what she had to say, "The event was fantastic this year with 20 watercraft's holding 24 participants of all ages coming out."

"We had a lot of paddle boards, kayaks and a canoe. This year we gathered earlier than last year in order to have more time to decorate our crafts. It worked out really well and was a fun time socializing and getting ready for the paddle," Willims added.

"Participants were required to bring their own glowing items. Glow sticks are some of the easiest options and they work really well. No one ever said they had too many glow sticks so if you come out next year, bring a lot!"

"We also had people use battery operated led lights, a fiber optic lamp, a glowing orb, blinking necklaces, and light up balloons. People also deck themselves out in glow sticks and other items so it’s quite a sight when it gets dark on the river."

"If we were to vote Brittany and Brenda Blackburn would likely win for best outfits each year," Willims declared. "This year half of our journey was in the light/dusk and we turned around and headed back in the dark. It worked well that people had seen the route in the light and knew what to watch out for on the way back. We also have people who paddle the river a lot and know what things to look out for. We traveled all the way from the river launch near the dog park to the campground at Hidden Valley."

Willims continued with an amazing description, "Many participants mentioned how much they enjoy just paddling and visiting with various other people. It’s a fantastic social event and the real magic starts when it’s dark and we look like an electric parade on the river. We had such a fun group again and always have lots of laughs."

"Jennifer Durr was the one who created the facebook page and spearheaded the event. Her and I worked out the details of putting it on. Her husband Billy Durr does a phenomenal job doing the photography of the event. His long exposure shots of us travelling by are stunning!." And his photo is the one featured with this story.

Join in and mark your calendars for a fun event for next year.