While the start of April might seem like the start of spring, the current weather is holding onto winter as tight as it can with cold and snow.

Temperatures have been below seasonal for weeks, with the occasional light snow also dumping precipitation.

That's come to a head as April started, with temperatures way below average and snow falling that's piled up quite a bit.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Natalie Hasel says that the snow has been adding up.

"Estevan didn't get a whole lot, looks like last week you got a couple of centimeters here and there. Tuesday and Thursday look like the days where you had a little bit of something come through."

"Yesterday it would have been a busy day with respect to precipitation. It looks like you got closer to 5 centimeters yesterday."

More snow is coming in the next 24 hours, though a lot of that will be more hit-or-miss systems.

"The evening has got a 40% chance of light snow," said Hasell, "Tomorrow it'll have another chance of maybe having light snow in the morning and then we should see that 30% continue, so we're not expecting a whole lot of snow tomorrow."

Though the total amount coming down is small, some amount of movement for snow is possible.

"For Estevan, we are expecting another two to four centimeters. We should have some winds," said Hasell, "Maybe gusting to 40 kilometers an hour. Not quite enough for blowing snow, but drifting snow could be an event or phenomenon in wide-open spaces."