A couple of concerns have been noticed recently by the Police Board, and they are issues that they intend to resolve.

First on their list was the number of pets, predominately dogs, being taken to Estevan's splash parks.

"For health reasons and so forth, it's not a safe environment to bring pets to. People have young children that are playing and swimming in those areas," stated Police Chief Paul Ladouceur.

"We are working with Parks Manager Rod March in relation to ensuring that the proper signage is posted, prohibiting dogs from those splash pads. There's a lot of green spaces where people can bring and walk their canines, but certainly splash pads are not one of them. We've had cases where people are actually allowing their dog to go right into the water, and that becomes concerning."

The other problem that he wants to address is liquor in the locker rooms of Affinity Place.

"One of the things that we had to look at was liability. If people are permitted to drink alcohol in the dressing rooms, they can be partially responsible for whatever happens as a result, especially if somebody goes driving afterwards. It's very hard for staff to monitor the quantity that's being consumed in a confined space like that, as opposed to in a lounge."

"The Police Board, along with Affinity Place has made the recommendation that signs be posted that no alcohol is permitted within those locker rooms. It's a tough decision, and not a popular one by any means I'm sure. However, the reality is that the City and the taxpayers have to face that liability if something goes wrong," Ladouceur said, adding that it's not uncommon to what has been done in other communities and arenas.

"I'm sure some people may be upset, but if they take a look around they'll see that this is common practice. We're more or less just following suit to what other rinks are doing in this regard."