In 2016, the number of trespassing incidents increased 38% from 50 to 69 incidents and resulted in 46 deaths. There were also 133 vehicles collided with trains in Canada that year, causing 19 fatalities and 24 serious injuries. These incidents are just some of the reasons for the annual Rail Safety Week. 

"Rail Safety Week is really about reminding the public about the preventable incidents that do occur," states Salem Woodrow, spokesperson for Canadian Pacific.

"There was a dramatic increase from last year and we do not know why. We are constantly reminding the public that they must stay off of railway tracks and they must observe all laws when driving over railway crossings because that 38% increase in preventable trespassing incidents is disappointing."

She goes on to add that trains are large, heavy, and are unable to stop quickly. 

"That is the important message they we are trying to communicate in that staying off the train tracks and making sure that motorists, cyclists and pedestrians observe all of the laws is one way to stay safe."

This is especially true in cities like Estevan, where trains are a common occurrence. 

"That is the important piece about being vigilant 24 hours a day and remembering that railways operate in your community and trains are big and heavy and they do require a lot of time to stop. If folks live in a community where there's lots of train traffic, they can become complacent in their actions while driving," she explains. "Rail Safety Week is not just this week, it is all year long and we are really asking everyone to consider their own safety around railroad properties when they are near it because an incident can have tragic consequences for all concerned not only family, friends and the community."

Woodrow also reminds people that walking around rail tracks is not only dangerous, but illegal.

"Trespassing is a federal offence under the Railway Safety Act. It can also be charged or sited under a provincial regulation. CP Police have jurisdiction to enforce all laws 500 meters from the railway track and CP does not receive any revenue from any tickets handed out."

For further information regarding Rail Safety Week, click on Operation Lifesaver and Look Listen Live.

READ MORE: 2017 Rail Safety Week