With winter conditions on southeastern roads, Estevan RCMP is asking the public to practice safe driving as conditions may not be ideal.

Drivers have had a week full of dangerous conditions, between a Colorado low on Sunday and more heavy snow overnight on Tuesday.

Constable Kyle Secord detailed one crash involving a snow plow that happened on Sunday.

"There was a 2 vehicle motor vehicle collision involving a snow plow from Saskatchewan highways and there were no injuries resulting from the crash there and no concerns for the public or anything like that, and the roads were open and didn't delay traffic at all."

In order to keep collisions from happening Secord shared some tips on how to drive safely in winter.

"If the weather gets bad like this ... if at all possible, it's good to stay home and there's less chance of an accident happening if there are fewer vehicles on the road. As we've seen on Sunday, you never really know what can happen if the visibility is bad. That obviously increases the chances as well and the road conditions being icy or anything like that."

If people do have to hit the road during a storm, preparation is an important part of preparing for the trip.

"If you do have to go out, it's always good to have your vehicle gassed up and also to have a winter kit pack in your vehicle. So warm blankets, extra jackets, extra gloves, anything like that," said Secord, "Maybe a snack, just so that if you do end up getting stuck out, then at least you're prepared and you're able to survive out in that in that weather until somebody can make it out to you to tow you out."

Secord says that so far this year the roads have been decent and people have been taking heed of his advice.

"When the road conditions are bad, I've noticed that compared to other years, people have been staying home. There is the off chance that people do need to go somewhere and unfortunately, there are still accidents happening, but otherwise, I do think this year has been pretty good."