The Federal Election is approaching and the advanced polls have closed just a few days ago with record-breaking numbers.

Advanced polls were open from October 11th to the 15th. 4.7 million people have already voted in this year's election. Which means that the numbers went up 29% from the last election. 

With number so high this year many are saying that this year's election is 'The most important in Canadian history'. It is also speculated that there will be more voters than ever before. 

It is important that if you are planning on voting, that you are properly registered. 

"First they need to find out if they are registered to vote," said Regional Media Advisor for Elections Canada Marie-France Kenny. "If you've moved, then you need to update your registration. If you haven't voted yet then you may not be registered. If you're a new Canadian citizen or a new voter if you just turned 18 since the last election, you're probably not registered."

Voting begins on Monday, October 21, 2019. Rember that every vote counts and it is encouraged that you make your way to the voting polls.