The southeast made it through a big overnight snowfall, with more set to hit the area over the day.

Exactly how much snow came through isn't clear says Environment Canada Meteorologist Terri Lang.

"Because we don't measure snowfall, we don't really know. We can kind of guesstimate from the snow on the ground sensor at the airport, so it looks like anywhere between 5 to 8 centimeters. We have trouble with that just because there's a wind involved and it drifts the snow a little bit so our gauges only measure total precipitation, they don't measure actual snow."

A volunteer report was sent to Environment Canada that said the town of Maryfield, north of Estevan, got around 10 centimeters.

The usage of a special weather statement rather than a warning was thanks to the system being just below the criteria.

"We didn't issue a warning for this because we didn't think that there were going to be a warning level snowfall of 10 centimeters or more in a 24-hour period," said Lang, "So it's kind of unfolding the way we thought it was going to unfold other than there are some areas further to the West that got some significant snow."

The system isn't done with the southeast yet as more snow is expected throughout the day.

"The Colorado low is still making its way through and into southern Manitoba," said Lang, "So we do still have some wrap-around snow coming around and it's probably going to be snowing on and off throughout the day."

"For the most part, the heaviest stuff has been gone through so you can expect maybe up to another five more centimeters before it kind of fizzles out, probably in the overnight period."

Lang reminds people to keep an eye on highway conditions before heading out today.

"People should check the highway hotline before heading out because there's still quite a bit of snow in the area, a little bit of wind there is also going to make for some drifting snow so it will polish up those highways pretty good. So check the forecast before heading out and those highway hotline conditions."